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Recursos para asegurados

Earn Money With Member Rewards

Need to find a specialist? Use Member Rewards and get rewarded up to $500! Learn more about how you could earn cash with Member Rewards.

Digitalícese con la aplicación móvil de BCBSTX

Digitalícese y descargue la aplicación móvil de BCBSTX ahora. La aplicación de BCBSTX está disponible para usuarios de iPhone y Android. To get the BCBSTX App, visit the iTunes App Store o Google Play.

Get all the access and information you need right at your fingertips, learn more about the BCBSTX App.

How Can I Update My Communication Preferences?

Victor gets communications from BCBSTX that he may miss or not see because of where they're being sent. He doesn't check his email very often and needs to update his communication preferences. Find out what our customer advocate tells Victor about making those updates!

Update your preferences on our communication preferences page.

What Is Connect?

During girls' night out, Marissa and her friends discuss their desire to be healthier. As a Customer Advocate, Marissa shows them the blog Connect, a platform that offers articles on health and wellness, fitness and more.

Never Be Late On Your Payments Again With Online Payments and Auto Bill Pay

With all the mail and bills to pay, it may be hard to keep track of paying your premium. But with online payment reminders and auto bill pay, make sure you’re not late again!

Cobertura para viajes

We follow Marissa and her boyfriend as they travel out of state. While building up his courage to ask her a very important question, he gets nervous, fumbles and asks about his health care coverage abroad instead! As a Customer Advocate, Marissa answers his questions but is suspicious of his motives the whole time.

How Do I Use My Health Plan ID Card?

Understanding what your health plan ID card is for is very important. Learn about why you need it, what information it contains and how to get a new one.

¿Qué hago si tengo problemas con mi reclamación?

Think something might be wrong with your health coverage claim? Find out what our customer advocate tells Joseph to do.

How Can I Save Money On Prescriptions?

Si bien los medicamentos pueden ser costosos, existen formas de ahorrar algo de dinero al comprarlos. Be sure to stay up to date with Vanessa, while Robert explains the ins and outs on saving money on prescriptions.