Ways to Get a Health Plan
If you don't have health care coverage through your job or a government program, there are a few ways you can get a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas health plan. During BCBSTX Special Enrollment, you can update your coverage if you've gone through certain life changes. During Open Enrollment, you can shop for a new plan or keep the one you have.
How to Enroll in a Health Plan
Work with a licensed health plan specialist to find a health plan that's right for you.
Obtener ayuda de un agenteOtras opciones de cobertura médica
Si tiene 65 o más o tienes ciertas discapacidades, puede presentar su solicitud para Medicare. Learn more and research Opciones de cobertura Medicare en su área.
Based on your income, you may also qualify for Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or other government-provided assistance. Puede solicitarlas en cualquier momento.